Advanced Test Design Automation - Make Test Automation Complete

December 13, 2022 6:00 PM

Advanced Test Design Automation - Make Test Automation Complete

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Topic description

Nowadays most companies do ‘test automation’. Unfortunately, a large percentage of these companies do not really do test automation just test execution automation. What? Test execution automation is a process of creating executable test cases and then running them. The question is how to create the test cases. Usually, they are manually created by ad-hoc test design. Poor test design results in poor defect detection, and the result is low-quality code. You can execute the test cases several times a day if they cannot detect the bugs, they are useless. That’s why test design automation should be a mandatory part of the test automation process making test automation reliable (resulting in high quality) and cost-effective (reducing bugfix costs).

In this webinar, he will show a new test design automation technique that can be used with Cypress. Cypress is a very good test execution automation tool, where lots of issues in Selenium are addressed. For example, Cypress is flake resistant, it is executed in the same run loop as the application, cypress runner has a time travel feature, etc. However, it doesn’t contain any test design automation, thus you should make the test cases one after the other. Most Cypress users make tests in an ad-hoc way, and the result is well-known.

In the webinar, he will demo the method by applying a very simple application.

This presentation answers the following questions:

  • What is test design automation?
  • How can I make test automation effectively and efficiently?
  • Which is an advanced model-based testing technique?

 This presentation is for you if

  • you are a tester, test engineer, test lead or project leader.
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Nowadays most companies do ‘test automation’. Unfortunately, a large percentage of these companies do not really do test automation just test execution automation.

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Forgács István
István Forgács

István Forgács PhD is a test expert, an entrepreneur and an author. He is the co-author of the books Paradigm Shift in Software Testing, Practical Test Design and Agile Testing Foundations. He is the creator and key contributor of the test-first, codeless test design automation tool Harmony. He is the co-author of the website, which is a unique place where testers can exercise test design by executing and improving their tests. He introduced three test design techniques: combinative testing, action-state testing and general predicate testing.

He is a frequent speaker at software testing conferences such as HUSTEF and TestCon Europe.

Forgács István
Forgács István

István Forgács PhD is a test expert, an entrepreneur and an author. He is the co-author of the books Paradigm Shift in Software Testing, Practical Test Design and Agile Testing Foundations. He is the creator and key contributor of the test-first, codeless test design automation tool Harmony. He is the co-author of the website, which is a unique place where testers can exercise test design by executing and improving their tests. He introduced three test design techniques: combinative testing, action-state testing and general predicate testing.

He is a frequent speaker at software testing conferences such as HUSTEF and TestCon Europe.

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Advanced Test Design Automation - Make Test Automation Complete

December 13, 2022 6:00 PM

Advanced Test Design Automation - Make Test Automation Complete


Nowadays most companies do ‘test automation’. Unfortunately, a large percentage of these companies do not really do test automation just test execution automation.


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Test automation
Forgács István Portrait of presenter
Forgács István

István Forgács PhD is a test expert, an entrepreneur and an author. He is the co-author of the books Paradigm Shift in Software Testing, Practical Test Design and Agile Testing Foundations. He is the creator and key contributor of the test-first, codeless test design automation tool Harmony. He is the co-author of the website, which is a unique place where testers can exercise test design by executing and improving their tests. He introduced three test design techniques: combinative testing, action-state testing and general predicate testing.

He is a frequent speaker at software testing conferences such as HUSTEF and TestCon Europe.

Forgács István Portrait of presenter
István Forgács

István Forgács PhD is a test expert, an entrepreneur and an author. He is the co-author of the books Paradigm Shift in Software Testing, Practical Test Design and Agile Testing Foundations. He is the creator and key contributor of the test-first, codeless test design automation tool Harmony. He is the co-author of the website, which is a unique place where testers can exercise test design by executing and improving their tests. He introduced three test design techniques: combinative testing, action-state testing and general predicate testing.

He is a frequent speaker at software testing conferences such as HUSTEF and TestCon Europe.

Portrait of presenter
Topic description

Nowadays most companies do ‘test automation’. Unfortunately, a large percentage of these companies do not really do test automation just test execution automation. What? Test execution automation is a process of creating executable test cases and then running them. The question is how to create the test cases. Usually, they are manually created by ad-hoc test design. Poor test design results in poor defect detection, and the result is low-quality code. You can execute the test cases several times a day if they cannot detect the bugs, they are useless. That’s why test design automation should be a mandatory part of the test automation process making test automation reliable (resulting in high quality) and cost-effective (reducing bugfix costs).

In this webinar, he will show a new test design automation technique that can be used with Cypress. Cypress is a very good test execution automation tool, where lots of issues in Selenium are addressed. For example, Cypress is flake resistant, it is executed in the same run loop as the application, cypress runner has a time travel feature, etc. However, it doesn’t contain any test design automation, thus you should make the test cases one after the other. Most Cypress users make tests in an ad-hoc way, and the result is well-known.

In the webinar, he will demo the method by applying a very simple application.

This presentation answers the following questions:

  • What is test design automation?
  • How can I make test automation effectively and efficiently?
  • Which is an advanced model-based testing technique?

 This presentation is for you if

  • you are a tester, test engineer, test lead or project leader.

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December 13, 2022 6:00 PM

Advanced Test Design Automation - Make Test Automation Complete

Portrait of presenter

Nowadays most companies do ‘test automation’. Unfortunately, a large percentage of these companies do not really do test automation just test execution automation. What? Test execution automation is a process of creating executable test cases and then running them. The question is how to create the test cases. Usually, they are manually created by ad-hoc test design. Poor test design results in poor defect detection, and the result is low-quality code. You can execute the test cases several times a day if they cannot detect the bugs, they are useless. That’s why test design automation should be a mandatory part of the test automation process making test automation reliable (resulting in high quality) and cost-effective (reducing bugfix costs).

In this webinar, he will show a new test design automation technique that can be used with Cypress. Cypress is a very good test execution automation tool, where lots of issues in Selenium are addressed. For example, Cypress is flake resistant, it is executed in the same run loop as the application, cypress runner has a time travel feature, etc. However, it doesn’t contain any test design automation, thus you should make the test cases one after the other. Most Cypress users make tests in an ad-hoc way, and the result is well-known.

In the webinar, he will demo the method by applying a very simple application.

This presentation answers the following questions:

  • What is test design automation?
  • How can I make test automation effectively and efficiently?
  • Which is an advanced model-based testing technique?

 This presentation is for you if

  • you are a tester, test engineer, test lead or project leader.
Forgács István Portrait of presenter
Forgács István

István Forgács PhD is a test expert, an entrepreneur and an author. He is the co-author of the books Paradigm Shift in Software Testing, Practical Test Design and Agile Testing Foundations. He is the creator and key contributor of the test-first, codeless test design automation tool Harmony. He is the co-author of the website, which is a unique place where testers can exercise test design by executing and improving their tests. He introduced three test design techniques: combinative testing, action-state testing and general predicate testing.

He is a frequent speaker at software testing conferences such as HUSTEF and TestCon Europe.

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