Scaling agile to large enterprises – All that glitters is not gold

December 14, 2021 6:00 PM

Scaling agile to large enterprises – All that glitters is not gold


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Despite this growing popularity, only about 25% of the large organisations can claim to have adopted lean-agile mindset successfully to harness full benefits. Indeed, the road of an enterprise wide transformation is rather bumpy full of sidetracks and U-turns. The most common problems are misunderstanding of basic agile principles and resistance to change the organisational culture. In

most cases this will inevitable lead to the return of waterfall approach and moving away from agile.

Agile at scale cannot be achieved without changing the mindset. The command and control approach is difficult to give up. A lot can be done at teams level to set examples. Sometimes someone must speak up.

In my talk I’ll present:

  • Is the illusion of ’adopting agile’ enough?
  • Why do large organisations cling to waterfall processes?
  • How can Scrum Masters and Product owners support scaled agile transformation from the bottom?

This event is for you if you are an agile enthusiast or an agile practitioners with waterfall background.

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Is the illusion of ’adopting agile’ enough? Why do large organisations cling to waterfall processes? How can Scrum Masters and Product owners support scaled agile transformation from the bottom?

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Gyimesi Gergely
Gergely Gyimesi
Agile Delivery Consultant
Scrumbo Global

Gergely is an Agile Delivery Consultant and Coach with over 10 years’ experience with Blue-chip companies across various sectors with practical experience transforming projects, teams, and organizations from waterfall to Scrum/Kanban/Agile methodologies.

Gyimesi Gergely
Gyimesi Gergely
Agile Delivery Consultant
Scrumbo Global

Gergely is an Agile Delivery Consultant and Coach with over 10 years’ experience with Blue-chip companies across various sectors with practical experience transforming projects, teams, and organizations from waterfall to Scrum/Kanban/Agile methodologies.


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Scaling agile to large enterprises – All that glitters is not gold

December 14, 2021 6:00 PM

Scaling agile to large enterprises – All that glitters is not gold


Is the illusion of ’adopting agile’ enough? Why do large organisations cling to waterfall processes? How can Scrum Masters and Product owners support scaled agile transformation from the bottom?


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Agile Development
Gyimesi Gergely Portrait of presenter
Gyimesi Gergely
Agile Delivery Consultant

Gergely is an Agile Delivery Consultant and Coach with over 10 years’ experience with Blue-chip companies across various sectors with practical experience transforming projects, teams, and organizations from waterfall to Scrum/Kanban/Agile methodologies.

Gyimesi Gergely Portrait of presenter
Gergely Gyimesi
Agile Delivery Consultant

Gergely is an Agile Delivery Consultant and Coach with over 10 years’ experience with Blue-chip companies across various sectors with practical experience transforming projects, teams, and organizations from waterfall to Scrum/Kanban/Agile methodologies.

Portrait of presenter
Topic description

Despite this growing popularity, only about 25% of the large organisations can claim to have adopted lean-agile mindset successfully to harness full benefits. Indeed, the road of an enterprise wide transformation is rather bumpy full of sidetracks and U-turns. The most common problems are misunderstanding of basic agile principles and resistance to change the organisational culture. In

most cases this will inevitable lead to the return of waterfall approach and moving away from agile.

Agile at scale cannot be achieved without changing the mindset. The command and control approach is difficult to give up. A lot can be done at teams level to set examples. Sometimes someone must speak up.

In my talk I’ll present:

  • Is the illusion of ’adopting agile’ enough?
  • Why do large organisations cling to waterfall processes?
  • How can Scrum Masters and Product owners support scaled agile transformation from the bottom?

This event is for you if you are an agile enthusiast or an agile practitioners with waterfall background.


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December 14, 2021 6:00 PM

Scaling agile to large enterprises – All that glitters is not gold

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Despite this growing popularity, only about 25% of the large organisations can claim to have adopted lean-agile mindset successfully to harness full benefits. Indeed, the road of an enterprise wide transformation is rather bumpy full of sidetracks and U-turns. The most common problems are misunderstanding of basic agile principles and resistance to change the organisational culture. In

most cases this will inevitable lead to the return of waterfall approach and moving away from agile.

Agile at scale cannot be achieved without changing the mindset. The command and control approach is difficult to give up. A lot can be done at teams level to set examples. Sometimes someone must speak up.

In my talk I’ll present:

  • Is the illusion of ’adopting agile’ enough?
  • Why do large organisations cling to waterfall processes?
  • How can Scrum Masters and Product owners support scaled agile transformation from the bottom?

This event is for you if you are an agile enthusiast or an agile practitioners with waterfall background.


Please add your Linkedin/GitHub profile, or any link that describes you *

Gyimesi Gergely Portrait of presenter
Gyimesi Gergely
Agile Delivery Consultant

Gergely is an Agile Delivery Consultant and Coach with over 10 years’ experience with Blue-chip companies across various sectors with practical experience transforming projects, teams, and organizations from waterfall to Scrum/Kanban/Agile methodologies.

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