Johannes Dienst is a Developer Advocate at askui. He focuses on automation, documentation, and software quality. He loves to talk about DevOps and software architecture, and he loves to philosophize about stoicism.
Working in a DevOps team is a challenge in itself, often taking care of the entire lifecycle from development to operation.
Sometimes there are additional legal requirements and corporate processes such as ISO 20000 or special security regulations in a corporate environment which makes working just a tad bit more challenging.
During this talk Johannes will explain the most important findings from three years of working in a DevOps team. Among other things, we will talk about organizational structure, the importance of the Inner Source, change and incident management, and best practices for documentation with Docs-As-Code.
Working in a DevOps team is a challenge in itself, often taking care of the entire lifecycle from development to operation.
Johannes Dienst is a Developer Advocate at askui. He focuses on automation, documentation, and software quality. He loves to talk about DevOps and software architecture, and he loves to philosophize about stoicism.
Johannes Dienst is a Developer Advocate at askui. He focuses on automation, documentation, and software quality. He loves to talk about DevOps and software architecture, and he loves to philosophize about stoicism.
Working in a DevOps team is a challenge in itself, often taking care of the entire lifecycle from development to operation.
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Johannes Dienst is a Developer Advocate at askui. He focuses on automation, documentation, and software quality. He loves to talk about DevOps and software architecture, and he loves to philosophize about stoicism.
Johannes Dienst is a Developer Advocate at askui. He focuses on automation, documentation, and software quality. He loves to talk about DevOps and software architecture, and he loves to philosophize about stoicism.
Working in a DevOps team is a challenge in itself, often taking care of the entire lifecycle from development to operation.
Sometimes there are additional legal requirements and corporate processes such as ISO 20000 or special security regulations in a corporate environment which makes working just a tad bit more challenging.
During this talk Johannes will explain the most important findings from three years of working in a DevOps team. Among other things, we will talk about organizational structure, the importance of the Inner Source, change and incident management, and best practices for documentation with Docs-As-Code.
You can watch the video after registration
Az előadást regisztráció után tudod visszanézni
Working in a DevOps team is a challenge in itself, often taking care of the entire lifecycle from development to operation.
Sometimes there are additional legal requirements and corporate processes such as ISO 20000 or special security regulations in a corporate environment which makes working just a tad bit more challenging.
During this talk Johannes will explain the most important findings from three years of working in a DevOps team. Among other things, we will talk about organizational structure, the importance of the Inner Source, change and incident management, and best practices for documentation with Docs-As-Code.
Johannes Dienst is a Developer Advocate at askui. He focuses on automation, documentation, and software quality. He loves to talk about DevOps and software architecture, and he loves to philosophize about stoicism.