Digitalk: Web3, the new internet

April 26, 2022 6:00 PM

Web3, the new internet


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Topic description

In this session, we will talk about Web3, the new internet, and how it has changed the software industry. We will also discuss how coding is different in a decentralized application than a centralized one and examine the difference between them.

The presentation answers the following questions:

When to apply decentralizations to your solution and when not?

What is decentralized finance (DeFi)?

What is decentralized storage?

How to become a blockchain developer?

Key aspects of the presentation:

  • The decentralized applications architecture
  • NFT with the gaming industry
  • DeFi applications
  • Decentralized storage and IPFS

This webinar is for you if you are a software engineer or developer.

Technology stack
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What is a decentralized application? When do you apply web3 as a solution? Why do people pay this much for NFT? Find out the answers on the 26th of April.

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Yehia Tarek
Yehia Tarek

Yehia is a software engineer working on DeFi applications and the NFT for metaverse and gaming. With web development experience to integrate smart contracts with front-end web applications. He writes technical articles and believes in open-source technologies, and he is always looking for ways to contribute.

Yehia Tarek
Yehia Tarek

Yehia is a software engineer working on DeFi applications and the NFT for metaverse and gaming. With web development experience to integrate smart contracts with front-end web applications. He writes technical articles and believes in open-source technologies, and he is always looking for ways to contribute.


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Digitalk: Web3, the new internet

April 26, 2022 6:00 PM

Web3, the new internet


What is a decentralized application? When do you apply web3 as a solution? Why do people pay this much for NFT? Find out the answers on the 26th of April.


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DeFi application
Blockchain developer
software engineer
Yehia TarekPortrait of presenter
Yehia Tarek

Yehia is a software engineer working on DeFi applications and the NFT for metaverse and gaming. With web development experience to integrate smart contracts with front-end web applications. He writes technical articles and believes in open-source technologies, and he is always looking for ways to contribute.

Yehia TarekPortrait of presenter
Yehia Tarek

Yehia is a software engineer working on DeFi applications and the NFT for metaverse and gaming. With web development experience to integrate smart contracts with front-end web applications. He writes technical articles and believes in open-source technologies, and he is always looking for ways to contribute.

Portrait of presenter
Topic description

In this session, we will talk about Web3, the new internet, and how it has changed the software industry. We will also discuss how coding is different in a decentralized application than a centralized one and examine the difference between them.

The presentation answers the following questions:

When to apply decentralizations to your solution and when not?

What is decentralized finance (DeFi)?

What is decentralized storage?

How to become a blockchain developer?

Key aspects of the presentation:

  • The decentralized applications architecture
  • NFT with the gaming industry
  • DeFi applications
  • Decentralized storage and IPFS

This webinar is for you if you are a software engineer or developer.


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April 26, 2022 6:00 PM

Web3, the new internet

Portrait of presenter

In this session, we will talk about Web3, the new internet, and how it has changed the software industry. We will also discuss how coding is different in a decentralized application than a centralized one and examine the difference between them.

The presentation answers the following questions:

When to apply decentralizations to your solution and when not?

What is decentralized finance (DeFi)?

What is decentralized storage?

How to become a blockchain developer?

Key aspects of the presentation:

  • The decentralized applications architecture
  • NFT with the gaming industry
  • DeFi applications
  • Decentralized storage and IPFS

This webinar is for you if you are a software engineer or developer.


Please add your Linkedin/GitHub profile, or any link that describes you *

Yehia TarekPortrait of presenter
Yehia Tarek

Yehia is a software engineer working on DeFi applications and the NFT for metaverse and gaming. With web development experience to integrate smart contracts with front-end web applications. He writes technical articles and believes in open-source technologies, and he is always looking for ways to contribute.

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